Thursday, 30 April 2015

For Republican Down South, Book Burnings Are Not Enough

For Republican Down South, Book Burnings Are Not Enough

Nope, now they want to prosecute, convict and jail people who they deem to be endangering children in the schools of the USA,... with books.  Yup, the last time something like this happened it was in 1930s Nazi Germany.  Oh and this is not Godwin's Law violation, this is actually the correct application of Godwin's Law Law (google it).  Oh right, provide the source, ok Godwin's Law's Law 

Anyways, here's the drooling stupidity from down south.

Kansas GOP Senator Mary Pilcher-Cook Wants To Criminalize “Harmful” Books

I have one suggestion for a book to burn that is harmful to children,,...

I want to burn all the books

Kansas GOP Senator Mary Pilcher-Cook Wants To Criminalize “Harmful” Books

Read more at:
Kansas GOP Senator Mary Pilcher-Cook Wants To Criminalize “Harmful” Books

Read more at:
Kansas GOP Senator Mary Pilcher-Cook Wants To Criminalize “Harmful” Books

Read more at:
Kansas GOP Senator Mary Pilcher-Cook Wants To Criminalize “Harmful” Books

Read more at:
Kansas GOP Senator Mary Pilcher-Cook Wants To Criminalize “Harmful” Books

Read more at:

These are the Rules of the Hobbit Hole

These are the Rules of the Hobbit Hole

Yes there are going to be rules.  When I first started blogging back in 2005 (The Wingnuterer) I really didn't have rules.  It was more of a free for all, but after a decade of blogging on and off, Facebook and the Twitter, I have come to adopt some rules.  If you don't like them, then don't even bother.

RULE #1 - The Rules are not up for debate.  If you feel an over compelling need to discuss or debate the Rules you may contact me via email at
RULE #2 - You will follow the rules, even I have to follow the rules.  I know that sometimes things can get heated, but before you hit POST button, take a breather, calm down and rethink your posts/comment, edit it so it complies with the rules.
RULE #3 - No name calling.  Yup, if you have to degenerate to name calling, then you really don't have a point.  If you have a valid point, then you don't really need to name call.  Simple eh?
RULE #4 - Please, always try to support your argument with related links.  If you or I posit an idea or claim a fact, it is incumbent on you, not others, to support your argument.  Now I know that there are times when you may have read an article on line and tried to go back and find but can't.  If this is case, at least give us a hint so that others may have a chance to find it.  Now there is some give and take on this rule, if you feel your point is well known, and therefore not in easy dispute, then ya, give it pass, but if some one asks you to back it up.  Simple, go look up the link and provide it, don't dance around and not provide it.  If you can't find it, then just say so.  If your point/observation is an opinion, then just say so.  Honesty is the best policy.
RULE #5 - No over abusing the demand for asking people to backing up their facts or information by demanding "You gotta a link for that"  This will be consider Trolling and violation of Rules #9 and #10.
RULE #6 - NO SEGUES, seriously, If I make a post about Rob Ford doing "X", then the topic up for discussion is Rob Ford doing "X".  Now if you feel that Rob Ford doing "Y" is relevant, then it is incumbent on you to demonstrate that discussion of "Y" moves the debate forward.
RULE #7 - No Bullying, if you are having an issue with another commenter on this blog or from other sources, well sorry, just leave that issue at the door.
RULE #8 - Opposing opinions are welcome and encouraged, But please remember Rules #2, #3, #4 #5, #6, #7, #9 and #10 are in effect
RULE #9 - Obey the Wil Wheaton Rule of Life (hereby known as WWROL), don't be a dick.
RULE #10 - No Trolling.  If  I warn you that you are trolling, stop it, it is not up for debate.
RULE #11 - I reserve the right ban people who do not follow the rules.  Oh and Rule #8 is entirely up to me enforce, so don't even bother pointing it out to me.  I will attempt to be fair in this application, as I will attempt to fair in the application of all the rules.
RULE #12 - It is your responsibility to know the rules, not mine or others.
RULE #13 - The rules of my blog apply here not elsewhere, if you notice me not following these rules on Facebook and/or Twitter, well those place are not my blog.  Though I am attempting to follow these rules everywhere I go, sometimes it is, shall we say, difficult.

Here Endeth The Rules
A Grumpy Hobbit

EPIC OLD MAN RANTS #3 Rob Ford - Blame Other People For His Own Problems

EPIC OLD MAN RANTS #3 Rob Ford - Blame Other People For His Own Problems

So Rob and Doug Ford don't like Fiona Crean's report on the failings of City Hall Security while Rob was Mayor.  Ya, I know, but try to act surprised,..

Doug Ford, who simply just will not go away, said the Crean's report was just another example of her going after Rob, a person vendetta as it were.  So I guess her job is to ignore 15 complaints that came to her department (those are 15 complaints from the public btw) and do nothing? Seriously that is what Doug is implying that Crean should have done?  Yup, in order to her do her job well and please Doug and Rob Ford, Crean has to NOT do her job.

Rob is equally stupid today and suggested that Crean's report was based on "Personal Opinion" and was not based on facts.  Of course Rob does not point to specific example of her personal opinion or where she does not use facts.  Cause you know, it is not like his job to actually support his claim or position.  Oh and BTW, Crean's report was based on months of investigation, video evidence and interviews.  So I am not sure what fact-less opinion Rob is referring too, but you shouldn't hold your breath for Rob to actually support his claim.  Supporting your claim with facts and well reasoned arguments is a liberal, left wing, latte sipping, elitist, media maggot thing to do.  No in Ford Nation you only need to make the claim and then it becomes a fact, carved in stone for all eternity.

I defy someone from Ford Nation to demonstrate, with proper sourced material (linked) that Crean's report was based on opinion and was not using facts.  Ya, I know, the crickets will be deafening.  Hey, I know where we can go well reasoned and thought provoking rebuttal,... Neil Flagg's FordNation and Howler Monkey HQ,... Oh look there's already a response,...

Neil Flagg and the Howler Monkeys Present a well reasoned response
At this point Crean should just say "Clearly Rob Ford has never learned from his mistakes, I will be recommending that the maximum sanction be applied to Rob Ford with no leniency allowed.  His constant disregard for the rules and failing to take ownership of situations he created warrant this action."  But I will not be hold my breath for this to happen either.

Now I don't know what if any sanction is available, there maybe none, which would mean Rob gets to piss in the face of the public and Crean one more time without have to worry about the consequences of his actions.  So how's the Rehab coming Rob?

Here endeth the Rant
A Grumpy Hobbit

Rant Segue
Rants #1 and #2 will be posted later, they occurred to prior me making this blog,... so you know on a slow day or something like that

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Life With Dog #8

Life With Dog #8

Apparently Dog knows what "Lick the plate" means.

There is a puddle of drool on the floor now. Who knew?

Monday, 27 April 2015



Dog - I haz problem!!!
Human - What is the problem?
Dog - The ball, I want da ball!
Human - So get the ball
Dog - I tried, but I can't get da ball!
Human - So where is your ball, show me...
Dog - Da ball is trapped by da thing
Human - What "thing"?
Dog - Da thing that scares me
Human - Show me where "Da Thing" is
Dog - I can't, da thing scares me too much
Human - Show me where the ball is,,,
Dog - I need a cuddle first
Human - You are such a suck at times, come here
Dog - *whining and cuddling* I need da ball
Dog - URMURGURD DA BALL, YES DA BALL, its over here
Human ~ goes and looks for the ball, finds the touch the vacuum cleaner
Human - You really are a chicken shit *human gets the ball, throw ball across room*
DOG - URMURGURD ITS DA BALL nom nom nom Best and bravus Human EVAR!!!
Human - I'm going to vacuum now
Dog - *crawls under couch* I hate you!

True story

I have a back log of this source material I'll post it later over the next few weeks, had to share this one, cause you know, it just happened.  Vacuuming is done and Newton is out not chewing on a raw hide bone, so all is good.

Sunday, 26 April 2015

And I Am Back

It has been years since I blogged, I have been generally been using FaceBook and the twitters, but I have been finding that these are limited and I need a more organized approached to keep things,... well organized. So I talked to Scott at the Progressive Bloggers about rejoining again and he was "Hey no problem". I was hoping that I would have a WordPress blog set up, but money is really tight at the moment and I can't afford to upgrade my domain to a WordPress account, so that will have to wait.

Anyways, what will this blog be about? Simple;
  • Toronto Politics, follow me on #TOPoli @agrumpyhobbit
  • Canadian Federal Politics, follow me on #CDNPoli @agrumpyhobbit
  • EPIC OLD MAN RANTS - I rant, you listen
  • Life With Dog - Silly observation about my life with my dog, Newton the Border Collie
  • Science Type Stuff - Talking about Science and debunk bad science and promoting good science. Topics will be all over the place Evolution, GMOs and related, Global Warming, Global Climate Change, Anthropomorphic Global Climate Change and what ever science tickles my fancy.
  • Right Wing Nut Jobs and Religious RWNJs, this will main concern things in the USA
  • and maybe some cooking and other random stuff, maybe some computer games
Anyhoo, time to post this and then send the RSS feed and link address of to Scott.  I'll work on making this blog look nicer and all the bells and whistles later and when money comes available, I'll migrate over to WordPress.  So ya, I'm back, let the pigeons loose.

A Grumpy Hobbit